unaffiliated - определение. Что такое unaffiliated
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Что (кто) такое unaffiliated - определение

¦ adjective not officially attached to or connected with an organization.
Spontaneous Unaffiliated Volunteers         
A Spontaneous Unaffiliated Volunteer (SUV) or Event-Based Volunteer refers to an individual who volunteers to assist community members or community organizations, typically after a large-scale or well-publicized disaster. Because unaffiliated volunteers lack consistent training, and each volunteer's trustworthiness is unknown, SUV management can be very difficult, and the subject of a large amount of research and practice.
  • The ''Scholar and His Books'' by [[Gerbrand van den Eeckhout]]
Independent scholar; Scholars; The Scholars; Private scholar; Unaffiliated scholar; Independent scholars; The Scholar
A scholar is a person who studies an academic subject and knows a lot about it. (FORMAL)
The library attracts thousands of scholars and researchers.


Unaffiliated, meaning a lack of [may refer to:
Примеры произношения для unaffiliated
1. unaffiliated.
_ Julie Albright _ Talks at Google
2. or small cells of maybe unaffiliated potential
Dirty Wars _ Jeremy Scahill _ Talks at Google
Примеры употребления для unaffiliated
1. Nazareth, too, claims a few unaffiliated urban guesthouses.
2. "The state is full of informed, unaffiliated voters," says Mr.
3. Unaffiliated voters outnumber Democrats and Republicans in the state, and Lieberman has typically drawn strong support from both unaffiliated and Republican voters.
4. Barack Obama (D–Ill.) for unaffiliated voters in January.
5. But the Episcopal group recruits even unaffiliated stragglers.